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The Power of Collaboration: A Conversation with Meghann Conter of The Dames

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Video interview with Shayla Boyd Gill of Luxe Your Business. 

We had the sheer delight of chatting with Meghann Conter, the powerhouse behind The Dames, an organization devoted to turbocharging the success of women entrepreneurs and business professionals. Buckle up, folks—our conversation was a rollercoaster of insights into the magic of community and collaboration, all delivered with Meghann's signature flair.

Meghann Conter's Wild Ride

Meghann’s journey into entrepreneurship began as a marketing consultant, where she quickly realized the business world for women needed less Hunger Games and more sisterhood. Inspired by this revelation, she founded The Dames, an organization designed to create a haven where women support each other through the wild ups and downs of business life. Her story is a testament to the power of vision and the belief that women can accomplish wonders when they link arms instead of brandishing pitchforks.

Building a Community of Collaboration

One of the gems Meghann shared was the importance of fostering a community where collaboration takes the front seat and competition is tossed out the window. She stressed that it’s not just about collecting business cards like Pokémon cards but about creating a space where women feel safe to share their triumphs and tribulations. This camaraderie not only boosts business growth but also makes the entrepreneurial journey a lot less lonely—and a lot more fun.

The Origin and Mission of The Dames

The Dames kicked off with a clear mission: to help women catapult their businesses from six to seven figures. Meghann elaborated on how this mission fuels the organization’s efforts to focus on sustainable business models and to make accessing capital as easy as finding cat videos on the internet. By offering the right tools and resources, The Dames aims to help women smash through the proverbial glass ceiling (without getting too many glass shards in their hair).

The Unique Model of The Dames

Unlike those boring, traditional networking groups where you’re more likely to get a sales pitch than a genuine connection, The Dames operates on a unique model called 'power partnering.' This concept encourages members to collaborate and lift each other up without the pressure of trying to sell anything except maybe a good laugh. Instead of eyeing each other as rivals, members build authentic relationships that foster mutual growth and probably a few fun nights out.

Growth and Adaptation

Since its inception, The Dames has proven to be as adaptable as a chameleon at a paint store. Meghann highlighted how the organization transitioned to a global virtual platform in 2017, a move that allowed them to expand their reach and support their members more effectively. This shift was particularly serendipitous during the pandemic, proving that sometimes, timing really is everything.

Future Plans: Onward and Upward

Looking ahead, The Dames has some exciting plans up its sleeve. With new chapters opening and an enhanced focus on providing targeted resources, The Dames is all set to meet members at their specific points of need. Whether you're just starting out or ready to conquer the next big milestone, The Dames is geared up to support your journey.

Personal Reflections on Women in Business

In a candid reflection, Meghann encouraged women to reevaluate their views about other women in business. By overcoming personal and societal limitations, she suggested, we can pave the way for deeper collaboration and greater success. Plus, it's just way more fun when we all get along.

So there you have it, a peek into the world of The Dames, where collaboration reigns supreme, and women are empowered to turn their business dreams into reality. All with a sprinkle of humor and a whole lot of heart.

Watch here:

If you are interested in...

  • Growing personally and professionally
  • Creating global connections and strategic power partnerships with other high-caliber business women like you
  • Having an inviting space for elevated conversations and collaborations
  • Being part of an exclusive community committed to propelling women in business and career from the top 15% to the top 2%